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The Sunrise master plan is designed to create the softest environmental footprint
possible. The overriding principle of the design is to ensure that
development and other human activity is undertaken in such a manner that the
existing environment is protected, restored or enhanced.


“Sunrise is a $100Million, sustainable residential community. As an area of diverse landscape and high scenic quality it was crucial that any development be undertaken in an environmentally sustainable manner that protects, enhances and rehabilitates the magnificent natural environment. The site includes a sustainable village of 173 residential lots and a significant nature reserve. Most remarkable of the original 628 hectares, is that 97.5% of the site has remained in its natural state. Over 75% of land has been donated to Australian Bush Heritage fund.”


The careful planning and design of the Sunrise site is intended to create
community gathering and recreational spaces which encourage human interaction and promote a refreshing sense of connection between people and nature.


The facilities provide for a range of activities for all ages, comprising playgrounds, tennis courts, swimming pools and BBQ areas, all designed and built around the existing vegetation. A series of beach access ways link the site with the beach and have been constructed to minimise environmental impact via the use of appropriate materials and route selection. 

about us

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Sunrise at 1770 Is as multi award winning Sustainable Eco Development, located on 4 kilometres of pristine beach facing the Coral Sea and surrounded by Littoral Rain Forest and National Parks.


551- 552 Springs Rd,

Agnes Water QLD 4677, Australia

© 2018 by Sunrise at 1770. Proudly created by Kim Cooke Design & Photography

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